Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring Season???

I%26#39;ve been following the weather down there for nearly a year now and it looks like on the average, you%26#39;re way ahead of SD for springtime. (Sorry to see you had a couple of icy days this weekend) Anyway, Woodward Park is something we%26#39;re really interested in seeing. Would the middle of March be awfully early to see green grass, trees with leaves, flowers blooming? If it is, could you tell me what time I%26#39;m looking for? April? May?

Spring Season???

We vary a lot from year to year; sometimes the cold hangs around and slows things down. I%26#39;ve seen daffodils blooming in January here (we%26#39;re about 60 miles south of Tulsa), but this year their foilage was only about three inches tall before this last frost. We shall see what that did to them.

I%26#39;d say April is a good bet. We have a lot of blooming pears and redbuds down here; if it%26#39;s too late for the pears, you%26#39;ll get the redbuds (they grow wild in the forests, so that%26#39;s fun). Tulips or maybe iris should be blooming. If you want full leafing on the trees and guaranteed green grass, wait until early May.

But this winter has been extremely dry (winter is usually our rainiest time, but we had almost no rain Oct-Dec), so your guess is as good as mine on what that will do to the spring green season.

Spring Season???

I agree there%26#39;s a good chance mid April - mid May would be the window of choice. However the 93 degree temp on March 1, already has the Bradford Pears budding out - not to mention the daffodils that were already open. Woodward Park truly tries to keep the azaleas thriving. The Tulsa Rose Garden which is adjacent to Woodward promotes the Rose Garden beginning in early May. Definitely worth the walk through for not only their eye appeal but the fragrance. I encourage you to check out the Tulsa Garden Center website. You can find it through Google.

Bradford pear trees are already beginning to bloom this week, given the warm weather we%26#39;ve been having. Usually mid-April is a great time to catch Woodward Park azaleas in full bloom.

30 year resident of Tulsa, here. I agree with the others - mid April for Woodward park. So long as the dry winter / late freeze didn%26#39;t change things, the azaleas will be beautiful. Be sure to visit nearby Philbrook museum, too, the formal gardens are beautiful.

I can also point you to some terrific restaurants in that area, if you are interested. Hubby and I are foodies, every cuisine, every price range, so name your desire (here, or a new post, if you like)

Mid-April for flowers, Mid-May for great weather, Mid-June to Late-September for water-skiing on area lakes. Be sure to visit the Phil brook when you are here, is basically right around the corner from Woodard park and MUCH better.

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