Thursday, April 26, 2012

Moving into OKC area

I just love the stupid among us. If you don%26#39;t love it leave it!!! If you don%26#39;t do anything but go to work and go home and complain of course you are not going to see anything around you that is worth looking at or talking about most of the complaint%26#39;s that I am seeing on here are ';Redneck hypocrit stupid and bible thumper'; well that to me is a little racisit and fanatical and short sited. If you had a brain in your head you should use it instead of being dangerous with it.

I lived in OKC all of my life untill 12 year%26#39;s ago and now live in Indiana. I make the trip from Indiana to OKC 2 sometimes 3 times a year, true thing%26#39;s haven%26#39;t changed much but in a way that%26#39;s a good thing. There are area%26#39;s that have alway%26#39;s been rough and there are good neighborhood%26#39;s to raise a family and there are thing%26#39;s to do if you know where to look ( try the phone book) you can find them.

OKC has it problem%26#39;s and it%26#39;s working on them, I haven%26#39;t seen a city yet that doesn%26#39;t have it%26#39;s own set of problem%26#39;s, from air polution to crime rate to drug problem%26#39;s to teen pregnacy%26#39;s those problem%26#39;s exsist everywhere it%26#39;s not just in OKC Wake up and smell the garbage your spouting. (turd and dna) IF you don%26#39;t Like it in OKC then leave and don%26#39;t come back I know you won%26#39;t be missed, no one want%26#39;s a pin head for a neighbor God know%26#39;s I would not.

Yes Oklahoma is what you could call cowboy country, Most OKIE%26#39;S are proud of that... this state was settled by hard working men and women that wern%26#39;t afraid of life and what it held they were not afraid to leave all the knew, family friends and lifestiles to come west and make a life. That%26#39;s what%26#39;s called Fronteir spirit and you either have it or you don%26#39;t.

If you are looking for a nice middle class area to raise a family but still are young enough to appreciate the night life and don%26#39;t want to live to far from it may I recomend Bethany it is a small comunity attached to Oklahoma city and surounded by it. Just a short drive to Downtown. If your not into night life there is still plenty to do. In the Bethany area there is a wonderful Elemetary school and library in that area small town feel with big city access. Also the south side of town around the I-240 area is coming into it%26#39;s own as well smaller older home%26#39;s with some wonderful neighbor hoods my aunt and uncle have lived there for 35+ year%26#39;s and never had a problem I have a friend that just bought a house 2 year%26#39;s ago in that area and loves it she has 2 small children and has no problem letting them play in the front yard in the evening%26#39;s.

Oklahoma is not for everyone.

Just about every post I have read on here has talked about Bricktown leaving out the fact that there is more to OKC than Bricktown it%26#39;s Lake Heffner and Lake Draper (MWC area) leaving out the numerous mall%26#39;s and all of the sport%26#39;s and festival%26#39;s as I write this to you tonight the Red Earth Festival began today it%26#39;s a wonderful learning experance for all ages. It is a celebration for the Native American%26#39;s they have art, dancing and food. There are local Rodeo%26#39;s that go on most weekends all over the state. There is baseball and softball for all ages. There is Swiming and all type%26#39;s of water sport%26#39;s on the lakes and rivers that suround the area. There are theaters and museums, there is a first class zoo in OKC as well.

Take some vacation time and check it out before you make a decision to move there take the kids with you. Call several of the school%26#39;s in the area%26#39;s that you are looking at and go talk to the Principal and some of the teaches ask to see test score%26#39;s and see if that is a school you want to put your kids into. I know they would be more than happy to talk to you. Talk to people that live in that area ask them about where they live don%26#39;t just take some people%26#39;s word for it find out for your self if this is where you realy want to raise your family. Because if you get there and then decide that you would have been better off staying where you were everyone will be miserable not just you.

The quickest way to make friends in a strange place is to be a friend first.... best thing I can recomend is IF you do decided to make OKC home... after you get settled throw and open house party for your neighbor%26#39;s nothing big and nothing fancy just a little neighborhood get together to get to know everyone, and let them get to know you. You will make friends quickly and easly. Thank you for your time in reading this long winded post. I hope I have help a bit.

Moving into OKC area

This post won%26#39;t be as long winded but will definately echo this writer%26#39;s centiments. I lived in OKC for 20 years, was transferred to Kansas City about 10 years ago and CAN%26#39;T WAIT to be able to return.

Oklahoma is DEFINATELY not for everyone. It takes a very special person to not only live in Cowboy Country (wheter it be OK or TX) but to genuinely appreciate it. The people in both OK and TX have PRIDE and aren%26#39;t afraid to show it. They are also some of the most friendly and genuine people I have ever met. Most of the people in OKC would give you the shirt off of their back and not even think of stabbing you in the back while you%26#39;re putting it on. I sure can%26#39;t say that for the people in the KC area.

We spent 5 years in Edmond and although it is a thriving and a bit more upscale area it is a great community with plenty of shopping, theatres and attractions close at hand. We spent the last 15 years living about 10 miles east of Moore on acerage. Moore is a great community with a small town atmosphere but is still close enought to the city that you don%26#39;t have to pack a lunch to travel into town.

Bricktown has been a great plus for the OKC economy but believe me there is plenty of art, culture, fun, night life and just plain good people all over OKC. Like I said I CAN%26#39;T WAIT to move back home.

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