Friday, April 13, 2012

Beavers Bend Info

Also wondering if there is a beach area or a land area out in the lake where everyone congregates to hang out.

Beavers Bend Info

Some will go to the east side of the lake and gather. The lake is so high right now that some of these areas may be underwater. Use extreme caution on the lake until it reaches normal level. They have been generating day and night and we haven%26#39;t been able to float in about a week. Maybe the river will be floatable by next weekend or maybe they will give us a break midweek. I am sure you being from Shreveport know how high the Red River has been lately.

Beavers Bend Info

We always launch from the marina off the road the restaurant sits on the corner of. Is that area a long ways from that launch? Yeah, this rain is trying to mess everything up. Red river is still closed, but should be open by the weekend. You think the lake will be open by Thursday this week?

Also, we always canoe Mt. Fork river while there. How%26#39;s the river looking? Are they open? Can%26#39;t swim at all, and I%26#39;m a little worried about the river being high.

The lake will never be closed to boat traffic. I know the river will not be floatable until Thursday, if even then. We will be lucky if we are able to get on it by the weekend. This is a link to the lower Mountain Fork Hope this is some help to you. It also shows regulation schedules and information about Broken Bow Lake also.

Wow, thanks so much for the info. My group is saying even if Mt Fork is open, they may not canoe it because it%26#39;s too dangerous with high water. We%26#39;ve been the previous two summers in August and there were spots where we would get stuck on rocks. What%26#39;s your take on danger level this Friday?

Also, do you know much about the second half of the river. The canoe place at the bridge suggested before we keep going past them and canoe another few miles. They say the water is much calmer past them. We were thinking of doing that if the rapids are too dangerous. Once again, many thanks for your great information.

To trkshot8 and alcapone, I saw your link and am trying to catch up. We%26#39;re heading to Beavers Bend Saturday night with a kayak trip down the lower Mountain Fork reserved for Sunday the 29th and a trip to Cossatot on Monday. Will the weather/water level mess with our plans? I was unaware of recent rains. We%26#39;re staying in a room at the resort then heading to Mt. Nebo for Monday %26amp; Tuesday nite then the Arlington for Wednesday %26amp; Thursday nite - finishing up with a night in Nacodotoches, LA (sp) Friday before heading back to Houston. Any feedback/comments are welcome! Thanks.

The Corp of Engineers hasn%26#39;t released a schedule for the weekend. My guess is that the lake is now only around 6-7 foot above normal and they will give the canoe outfitters a break for the weekend. I float this river a few times a week and I prefer the area above the bridge. I own my own canoe and once you get past the bridge you are limited to take out points unless you know some landowners which I do. Both can be fun floats with the right current, but if they aren%26#39;t regulating at all the float below the bridge can turn into work since the prevailing winds are always out of the south and their are some long holes to paddle through. I like both floats but I also like the people watching and you will see more of that on the float above the bridge. I haven%26#39;t ever done the Cossatot but I hear that it is very challenging. I would like to do it sometimes. My wife and I have been biting at the bit to get on the river as we have not been in nearly 2 weeks and that is an eternity for us. I will be checking back in from time to time to check for anymore questions that you may have. You can google a lot of information about the Mountain Fork river. Good luck and have fun.

If either of you want to private message me I would be glad to give you my contact information. As the weekend gets closer, I will be able to tell you more. I know all the outfitters here and will contact them later to see if they can tell more more later in the week.

Talked to Mack at Ambush and he was hoping they would start easing back on the releases late Friday. The lake is only 4.5 foot above normal pool now so I expect we will be able to float the weekend. I will let you know more as I get more information.


The Army Corps of engineers is presently requiring us to generate at Broken Bow to evacuate the flood pool.

Yesterday they reduced the requirement to 18 hours full generation (6 am -midnight)

This will last thru Friday.

Saturday and Sunday requirements appear to be 6 hours per day with both units 3 pm-9pm but not exact.

You can see our schedule for the weekend that will be developed about 4 pm Friday and posted to our website or call in system.

Thank you

Jim Croston, P.E.

The way I interpret this is they will quit and midnight Friday and the river should be nice for Saturday and Sunday. I will keep this post updated.

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