Wednesday, April 18, 2012

50 for 50

My mom has decided that for her 50th bday she would like to visit all 50 states and I have agreed to be her unofficial travel agent. Problem is there are lots of places that we really don%26#39;t know much about, Oklahoma being one of them. My dad and her love to ride their Motorcycle and are big fans of ';off the beaten path'; trips; this doesn%26#39;t rule out the must see%26#39;s in any given state but it also doesn%26#39;t make the Empire State Building a requirement for her trip to NY. They enjoy relaxing but can also get into a good game or be history buffs on any given day. Our big concern with this trip is that my dad was diagnosed with MS this past year and she wants to make sure that he is as comfortable as possible. Her bday is March 28th and I%26#39;d like to have a complete itinerary for her by then so any help would be great.

Thanks in advance.

50 for 50

Pretty wide-open question with minimal info about the people doing the sightseeing, which makes it difficult to answer.


You can start here:

A good place to start on that page is the ';Oklahoma Links'; section.

Look for the types of things your parents might enjoy (you know them better than we do.) Then if you have any specific questions about any of the sights, you can come on back and ask.

Good luck!!!

50 for 50

They would definately enjoy McCurtain County is SE Oklahoma. Nice place to bike around. Beautiful diverse scenery here unlike most of the rest of the state and a good jumping of point to the 4 state region of Arkansas, Texas, or Louisiana. Let me know if I can be of more assistance.

If I had a lot of time and a motorcycle, I would just jump on old Route 66 and drive the whole road, end to end (which would includ a big chunk of Oklahoma). It would be a leisurely trip, stopping to photograph every relic of that era that I came across, talking to people in the old cafes, just seeing America as it used to be. The blue whale, art deco in Tulsa, old hotels, the museum in Clinton...

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